Sunday, October 17, 2010


   It is the time of the year

   Things come undone

   Thoughts they come

   Tumbling down

   Find your self in

   The Precipice of


  Worn out cliches drop

  Like a Habit restrengthened

 Winter tales and strories retold

  Reenactment of the Testament

  Unabridged tales and lies

  Told and retold

   Until Time gasps for


   Your famous half cocky

   Grin all over the


   Darling of the Millions

  What about the Enticement

   Where does it all lead to

   Do we give up on you

   Shall we say our good byes

   Order your Obit

   Etch an Epitah

   Catch the morning dew in

   Your Window Pane

    Will the Minstrel and Mendicant

    Meet the Master

    In the Ballroom of Caprice

    Its not unusual to

   Find forgotten Eulogies

   Revised to fit the


   And the Ceremony at the

   Hill where your

   Friends once stood in awe

   Of this sudden light shining

   Where did it

   Shine on you

   After all these years of

   Turbulence and Tumult

   Peace prevails

   Should widen the



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