Thursday, September 30, 2010


     Footsteps nightfall and shattered splinters of

     Sound shrieking

     Treason tracked by the State of Mind

     Humans are in

     Conspiracies predicted

     Intelligent sound bites in Sepia Prints

    Pronouncing Foul Smell

    Planted evidences of Hunger

    Turmoil in the Toiling

    Beings that be Who

    Ensure leisure

    At the Good Lords
   Lord of all Lords'


   Approvers to the Gossip Mall

   Tailors at the Daily Rag

   Ones who Knew

   Designer news at doorstep

   Private investigations

   Some ball point reflections

   Blurred prints of the Document

   Of Futures' Prosperity Brigade

   Clothiers to Middle of the Class

   It was an ill prepared prosecution

   A Fairy Tale verdict

   Bloated bellies on tired bodies

   On its paunches

   Waiting waiting

   Waiting for the

   Confessions before the

   Clever Informed Clergy

   To the World

   Pleaders at the Municipalty

   Informers to the Inquisition

  Budget Projections not quite

  The Subsuming of all facts

  Encroachment of the Spoils over

  Lifes' Penury

  Playground of Insecurity

  Of Thirst Pride

  Hunger Police

 Vacant MindSpaces

 The Cemetry of Dissidents

 Incoherent Wailings

 Of the Mad Barefoot


 Harbinger to the Teeming


 Scrawlings all across

 The Graffitti of the


 Where are the fingerprints

 The Pugmarks


 Where were all

 When we failed

 Proclained the lies

 Counted the booty

Produced the Budget of Our

Morrows and

May we ask

For Your





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