Friday, September 3, 2010


Looking at the silhouette
there was this outline of an Iago
with robes
and nothing else on

Had long nails
short hair
and a flowing beard
but i am used to his countenace

Someone get a pail of water
we need to wash the sun
it is getting stains
or is it the moon

No one really knows
as the lunatic fringe
is a thin line
between the realms of sense of proportion

And a refracted jangled body and face
where the body
breaks into a dance
telling us all that

I don't know
but do not get deterred by March
it comes and goes a
and Ceasar has friends

No way of sorting things out a
as the sun is just peeping
wanting to come
but then he is too lazy

The birds have taken for granted
the sun the moon the stars
who are going on about
whether it is day

Or Night
but the Owl must wait
as it is wise
and does not want to commit itself to self-delusions

Conned into thinking that day follows night
hearing the words
the owl flew
over the brambled tree

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