Friday, September 3, 2010


This is it it: free poetry

from now on no more publishing houses, right?

write anything, this is democracy

no speaking out, just yell

Develop your vocal chords

no, not to be a singer, idiot!

to be heard the most and get the best

develop your physique just to tackle

The Market…

is it that bad?

well, Adam Smith thought that all nations were wealthy

but poor guy, he forgot to fly to Bangladesh

‘Cos if he did

would have got the Nobel Prize

for self-help groups

making self-help nations

Why all nations are not wealthy

some are, but some are less rich

the World Bank has crashed;

all the money is being deposited

in the post offices

and Japan is the mightiest nation having the most post offices and post orderlies

No, wait, India is… no, India has the second largest post offices and the pin code is IND 123 TIL0N1A

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