Sunday, September 5, 2010


BAREFOOT RAMBLES: BAREFOOT RAMBLES: POETRY IN THE STREETS: "BAREFOOT RAMBLES: POETRY IN THE STREETS: 'This is it it: free poetry from now on no more publishing houses, right? write anything, this is d..."

Welcome to Mahamaya the Maya of all Mayas

Someone cutting through this Spiritual Materialism

No am not Lobsing Rampa but then Lokayatta and

theCharvakas told it long before

And no one has closed the door to It The More the merrier

Walmart are outsourcing Gurus all the way from the Poles

The torrid currents out there them must be freezing

How to they i mean their sermons must be in stutters at sub sub zeros

How do they do it i mean astral flying is out

The Gurus are in but some people have already got the Nobal

Prize for Metaphysics

So what are they waiting for A No Ball Prize for Playing Dice with God

This is it where were we ah! yes the Poles and the S Materialism and the gurus

So what about tem what do you mean by starting the ball rolling

Delusions Illusions well!! well!! That is it Go to the Laundry

Get your self a starched clean Soul and set it on Fire

Yes the illusions go away and you are left at Ionosphere

Cleaning all the aerosol to get there

Did you get realisation and Godhood to beat L Rampa in his game

Sorry but you only scratched S Materialism Cutting it needs a

Well let us all pray and wait for the next ccall the next caller is Adonis and refusing to get clothed

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